Predstojeći beogradski sajam automobila DDOR Eco BG Car Show 07, koji će biti održan na Beogradskom sajmu od 12. do 15. maja 2022. godine, u terminu nešto kraćem od uobičajenog, ima sve predispozicije da bude prekretnica na automobilskom tržištu i u automobilskoj industriji Srbije.

U vremenu neizvesnosti i mnoštvu globalnih tržišnih i proizvodnih nepovoljnih okolnosti – posledice pandemije, problemi u međunarodnom transportu i komunikacijama, globalni problemi u automobilskoj industriji u vezi sa finalizacijom proizvodnje – i jedan Ženevski salon automobila po treći put je odgođen “za sledeću godinu”, posle relativno neuspelih pokušaja sa “digitalnim”, “vizuelnim”, “3D” ili “online” konceptima promocije najvećih svetskih brendova. I mnogi drugi ovogodišnji, pogotovo evropski automobilski hepeninzi otkazani su iz sličnih razloga. Zbog toga bi DDOR Eco Bg Car Show 07 mogao da predstavlja ne samo odvažan sajamski iskorak, nego, i pre svega, suštinsku promenu u “filozofiji” posedovanja, korišćenja i održavanja automobila, ovdašnje automobilske i prateće industrije i auto-moto tržišta.

The upcoming Belgrade Car Fair, DDOR Eco BG Car Show 07, scheduled to take place at the Belgrade Fair from May 12 to 15, 2022, in a slightly shorter timeframe than usual, has all the prerequisites to be a turning point in the Serbian automotive market and industry.

Amidst uncertainty and numerous global market and production challenges – consequences of the pandemic, issues in international transport and communications, global problems in the automotive industry related to finalizing production – the Geneva Motor Show has been postponed for the third time, now "to next year," after relatively unsuccessful attempts with "digital," "visual," "3D," or "online" concepts for promoting major global brands. Many other automotive events this year, especially in Europe, have been canceled for similar reasons. Therefore, DDOR Eco BG Car Show 07 could represent not only a bold move for the fair but, above all, a fundamental change in the philosophy of owning, using, and maintaining cars, the local automotive and related industries, and the auto-moto market.

The ECO designation in the updated fair name points to an entirely new exhibitor concept – the organizers' and vehicle importers' intention to emphasize vehicles with environmentally advanced propulsion solutions, electric and hybrid cars, mild hybrids, as well as new models with conventional propulsion assumed to be environmentally improved and meeting high ecological standards. In short, all the new technologies that are currently relevant in the auto industry and those that will be in the very near future.

Although some of the reasons for the nearly three-year absence from the fair haven't entirely disappeared, almost all members of the Serbian Association of Vehicle and Parts Importers, meaning all brands on the market, are ready and willing to contribute fully to this project. Moreover, considering the innovation and exclusivity of this fair setup, many premieres are announced, as almost every model has already appeared in production and sales in Western markets, but there hasn't been an opportunity or reason for it to appear in ours. Since there aren't many active fairs worldwide right now, European and even global premieres, especially for electric vehicles, which will be complete novelties for most brands, are not out of the question.

All of this doesn't exclude a wide range of "classic" car models but, naturally, with improved ecological performance.

DDOR Eco BG Car Show 07 is expected to be held under conditions of reduced commercial impact in terms of vehicle sales, primarily due to the lack of new vehicles on the market. However, it will generate tremendous interest from the media, professionals, and the general public for vehicle models that already offer the latest propulsion solutions, and their full commercialization is expected in the near future.

In the sector of the accompanying automotive industry, garage-service equipment, and spare parts offerings, exhibitor interest is exceptionally high. In line with the main line of the exhibition program, importers from this segment of the event announce a special promotion of compatible and accompanying equipment for environmentally advanced vehicles, chargers, solar modules, and other suitable infrastructure.

Alongside the Car Fair, from May 12 to 15, the 14th International Motorcycle, Quad, Scooter, and Equipment Fair "Motopassion" will also be held. This fair has faced a situation similar to that of the car fair due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Judging by the interest and enthusiasm of brand representatives from this segment, a very attractive fair event is on the horizon.

The layout of the fair exhibitions by halls will also be adjusted to the new circumstances of the exhibition. Thus, all importers, i.e., automotive brands represented within DDOR Eco BG Car Show 07, will be in the same space – in Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair. The "Motopassion" fair will entirely occupy Hall 4. The complete accompanying industry, garage-service equipment, spare parts, including specialized ones for environmentally advanced and electric vehicles, will be in Halls 2, 1A, and 3A.

Simultaneously, in Hall 3, there will be a large exhibition of vintage cars, organized by thematic sections, serving as a kind of parallel to the exhibition of the latest models. Visitors will thus have the opportunity to travel through time and the history of the automotive industry.

The general sponsor of the event is DDOR Insurance Novi Sad.